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Russetts Developments Company Profile
Established in 1982, Russetts Developments operates from Milton Keynes to provide customers with various solutions for liquid storage to customers throughout the UK and worldwide.
Pond Liners:
- Heavy Duty PVC - Suited to smaller, decorative ponds this material is supplies and ideal for disguising creases.
- Pinnacle PVC - tougher, thicker PVC that achieves the same flexibility as heavy duty PVC.
- Butyl Rubber 0.75mm - Rubber linings are thicker than PVC, whilst being equally flexible and strong. The Butyl Rubber lining provided by Russetts Developments can be welded on site and is ideally suited to cover larger areas of any size. Upon request the Butyl can be manufactured thicker.
- Epalyn Rubber 0.75/0.85mm - this material is made in Sweden and is similar to Butyl but surpasses it in flexibility, tear and tensile strength.
- RDL Underlay - this highly protective liner can be cut off the roll, supplied in prepacks or ordered from the factory as a 'one piece' product.
All the above liners are supplied in prepacks and rolls.
- Tailored and Box-welded Liners - this system of lining provides an uncreased, tidier finish. Russetts Developments only provide this lining in Butyl and Epalyn Rubber.
All Russetts Developments liners come with a 20 year to lifetime guarantee that is determined by the size of the piece bought.
Corrugated Water Storage Tanks:
Russetts Developments supply and erect water storage tanks on site and line them using the ‘Easyfit’ process. Before the liner is installed, the company fits a protection strip of capping along the edge. Next, a toughened rubber strip is applied to the top of the liner wall along with a double row of holes to match the bolt pattern on the tank’s rim. The liner is secured in place with bolts and the whole process can be applied to existing tanks without removing the lid, making it an efficient liner-replacement technique. For extra tank protection, Russetts Development also supplies one piece geotextile matting bags with optional punched fixing holes. Every Russetts Development tank product can be both installed and supplied if requested.
Roofing Systems:
Russetts Developments use EPDM sheeting in their lightweight Trelleborg Superseal System that has a certified life span of 40 years. The sheeting can be adhered or mechanically installed on site with a heat-splicing technique. Russetts Developments also offer various Thermobond heat splice accessories such as corners, boots, collars, flashing sheets and drains.
Waterproof Strips:
the company also uses EPDM sheeting for their waterproofing strips as it creates a tough, long-lasting seal. The sheeting can be lengthened up to 400% and remains stable in - 40 to 120°C. EPDM stripping is not only weather resistant but it also withstands exposure to chemicals, the ozone and UV rays. The Russetts Developments waterproof strips contain no environmentally harmful materials and are compatible with most substrates.
Russetts Developments train their employees to ensure that their knowledge of products benefits each customer. The company also offers the service of preformed or site welded liners for liquid containment tanks, including tanks provided by other companies. Method statements and Risk Assessments are also completed by the company if required. Russetts Developments will use different materials to provide lining for more aggressive liquids where necessary.
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