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Magnifying Glass

Plymovent Ltd


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  • Metal tube arms
  • Extractor for larger working areas
  • FlexMax®
  • MiniMan-100
  • High-vacuum portable unit
  • Mobile welding fume extractors
  • Stationary filters (welding fumes)
  • Stationary units for filtration of welding fumes
  • Wall-mounted filter unit
  • Mechanical filter for welding fumes
  • FlexHood - extraction hoods
  • Downdraft and backdraft workbench
  • Spring-operated hose reel
  • Motorised hose reel
  • Hoses
  • Plymovent fans
  • Plymovent fans
  • Oil mist filters
  • Smoking tables
  • Smoking cabins

Plymovent Company Profile

Plymovent, based in Banbury, Oxfordshire, is an international company covering 45 countries with more than 30 years experience dealing with dust and fume extraction and ventilation systems. The company offers products to help create healthy working environments, eradicating airborne contaminants by capturing and filtrating smoke, fumes and oil mist.

Systems include vehicle exhaust extraction, welding smoke capture and filtration, oil mist and smoke capture and dust removal and filtration.

Ventilation Fans

  • F-series Ventilation Fans: The fans are designed to fit extraction arms and filters or to be used as central fans.
  • TEV-series Ventilation Fans: Ideally used as central fans, the fans have a light weight aluminium impeller. They are suited for dealing with exhaust gases, volatile fumes and dust.

Filters and Collectors for Oil Mist, Fumes and Dust

  • Mechanical Filter MF: This is ideal for fumes from welding and various types of dry dust and the filter can be offered as a bespoke product to meet requirements.
  • Mechanical Mobile Filter MFC: This is quiet and ideal for light work.
  • MistEliminator ME: This flexible oil mist filter can be expanded, is easily adaptable and can be offered as a bespoke solution to fit any criteria.
  • MultiDustBank MDB: The product can be tailor-made to suit all applications. Ideal for heavy use, the system includes a self-cleaning cartridge collector with an efficient cleaning system to offer high-quality filter life.
  • Mobile "One": The mobile product can be taken into plant locations to eliminate dry dust and smoke.
  • Smart "One": The state-of-the-art filter is ideal for small and one-off applications.

Hose Reel and Droppers

  • SER: Especially designed to retract the hose with a spring operated retraction device, the SER is ideal for service shop applications.
  • MHR: With the help of an electric motor, the MHR can retract hoses. The product is ideal for general service shop applications where the ceiling is low or overhead cranes have to move.
  • MER: The MER has been designed to retract the hose with the assistance of an electrical high-torque motor. The product is ideal for truck service shop applications where hose and nozzles can be heavy and overhead cranes have to move.
  • FE: A more cost effective solution for smaller workshops more than one service bay has to be covered with a central extraction system.
  • FEF: A basic and cheaper solution for use with just one working bay that needs exhaust gases removing.
  • FEB: Ideal for covering wider areas, the FEB can be attached to central systems or connected to a direct mounted fan.

Rail systems

  • Looped rail: The flexible system is designed to follow the car through the building.
  • MRP: Designed to cover multiple working bays in a workshop at the same time, the hose can be moved with ease between the bays.
  • STP: Ideal for back of service areas, where the usage of the system is less than 80%.

Nozzles and Hoses

The company also offers nozzles and hoses for all applications, these include the following:

  • Grabber: High temperature resistance and varied sizes depending on the application.
  • REN: This nozzle is ideal for use on cars and motorcycles and is designed to slip over an exhaust pipe.
  • REC: The nozzle has an adjustable spring clip and is ideal for car repair.
  • REG: Perfect for truck repair and service facilities.
  • MEN: Designed to cover an exhaust gas temperature up to 400 °C
  • Stacker: The Stacker slips over any size vertical exhaust tailpipe. It is recommended for all vehicles that have a vertical tailpipe up to 250mm.
  • EH: A crush hose designed for exhaust gas temperature up to 150°C, 175°C.
  • EG: The EG is a fabric composite hose ideal for exhaust gases up to 200°C, 220 °C intermittent use.
  • EF: Recommend for servicing of heavy trucks and off-road vehicles, the EF is designed for exhaust gas temperature up to 315°C, 350°C intermittent use.
  • ET: A fabric composite hose designed for exhaust gas temperature up to 650°C.

Extraction Arms

  • Miniman 75Clear Thru: With a reach of 1.5m 2.1m, the arm is ideal for soldering, lab or dust applications. The arm has no mechanism inside and offers a high quality solution for dust and fume requirements.
  • Miniman 100: This product is ideal for dust and fume applications and offers a reach of 1,5m - 2.1m
  • Economy Arm: The product has a detachable hood and comes with a wall bracket.
  • KUA Arm: The arm can be moved 360 degrees with swivel action to enable exact friction adjustment. The detachable hood can be moved 110 degrees in any direction and is easily attached to extension hoses.
  • Extractor on Rail: With a 360 degree swivel, the rail is moveable and allows for unlimited reach.
  • FlexMax: The FlexMax has a large reach of up to 8.5m and can reach above the mounting height. It has an adjustable wall friction brake to secure the arm in place
  • Extractor Crane: The flexible product has a double pivoting boom, a telescopic space section and can cover large areas with a reach of up to 8m.
  • Junior, LM-2: Ideal for applications where a low ceiling is involved, the product has a telescopic space saver and provides a good solution for bench-working.
  • MultiSmart Arm: With a radius of up to 4m/14ft, the product is ideal for areas with a higher air volume. It is supplied in 125, 160 & 200mm diameters.

Additional Products

  • Push and Pull System: Bespoke push/pull systems can be designed for manufacturing areas where fumes can build up around metal working areas or above the shop floor. Full assessments and designs are undertaken.
  • Extraction Hood: The FlexHood is a product which provides efficient fume extraction while eliminating sparks within a working area. It is a modular design and offers flexibility for a wide range of applications.
  • Downdraft Table: Draftmax is a powerful extractor for smoke, fumes and dust particularly for welding applications and available in four model sizes.
  • Control Equipment: The company also offers a range of air pressure monitors and motorised dampers.

Plymovent is a global leader in the extraction and filtration of harmful fumes and dust. The highly knowledgeable sales team offers assessment, design and installation capabilities for both small and large facilities.

For more information please visit the website or use the buttons above to send an enquiry or request a quote.


P.O. Box 747
OX16 6NZ

Tel: 01295 259311

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