MMotors JSC Company Profile
Established in 1961 MMotors JSC is leading manufacturer of electric motors, Long Life domestic and industrial extractor fans and high temperature-resistant fans. With a factory of 7000 m2 positioned on a site of 34000 m2 MMotors JSC offers an exciting range of products, including world patent original solutions in ventilation and electric motor production.
The MMotors Domestic Fans with 5 Years Guarantee
The Trickle Impregnation Technology in the manufacture of each fan's electric motor, makes it dust proof, moisture proof and heat resistant. The standard 200°C resistant fan blade directly bonds to the rotor,and gives extra solidity and fire safety. The double capsulated ball bearings by NSK-Japan guarantee years of continuous and smooth operation.
4" Power
- Ultra performance (LUX Series) 4" fans with 110 m3/h extraction rate
- High performance 4" fans with 105 m3/h extraction rate
- Standard 4" fan with 60 m3/h extraction rate
All fans are available with Timer, Humidity Control System and Timer, Light Relay and Timer, in 4, 5, 6 inch, from 60 to 240 m3/h extraction rate, single and two speed.
Sauna and Steam Room Fan
The MM-S fan is specially designed for saunas and steam rooms. With heat resistant electric motor, housed in high temperature engineering material and fitted with heat resistant double capsulated ball bearings MM-S series fans are perfect solution for ventilating sauna and steam rooms.
Eco Fresh 05>Supply>Filter>Heat up>Ionize….
The latest product from MMotors is the supply ventilation unit ECO FRESH 05, designed for ventilation of home, office and hospital premises.
For your clean, fresh and antiseptic environment the compact Eco Fresh 05 unit is a combination of four key features in one easy to use system:
- draws in and thoroughly filters fresh outside air in your premises
- heats up the fresh air inflow to room temperature
- ionizes the heated and filtered fresh air
- reduces excess indoor humidity, preventing mildew and mold growth
Eco Fresh 05 is a better and healthier approach to ventilation of your home and office. The heated and filtered air is also ionized which kills pathogenic microorganisms providing both antiseptic and refreshing effect to your environment. The healthier microclimate and clean air is essential for improvement in health of asthma and allergy sufferers, while also being an important factor for regaining body energy and general indoor air quality.
Inline Axial Fans – 100/120/150mm
High Temperature Inline Axial Fans
The MMotors High Temperature fans are built to resist up to 150°C temperature. Built from Aluminum, with heat resistant electric motor and heat resistant NSK double capsulated ball bearings the VOK series fans are designed for hot air distribution ductworks and fireplaces.
Axial Fan
Standard and high temperature axial fans for cooling of welding machines, plasm cutting machines and for special applications.
Industrial Fans
With 3 years manufacturers guarantee the MMotors PVO series industrial fans are constructed with noiseless asynchronous motors with double capsulated ball bearings to guarantee 30 000 hours of flawless operation, whether mounted in horizontal or vertical position. The protection degree is IP 54, and upon a customer’s request can be manufactured to IP 55.
Electric Motors
The electric motors range includes single and three phase electric motors with and without electromagnetic brake, high efficiency IE2, premium efficiency IE3, high torque and special applications electric motors.
The production is lead by top engineers capable of solving demanding and complex electric motor performance requirements. The latest unique electric motor, patent and on the production lines is the single phase MR2R with running capacitor and very high starting torque of over 0,6 from the nominal.
If you do need electric motor with demanding or specific characteristics, MMotors probably will have the solution for you.
For more detailed information please contact MMotors using the buttons above or visit the company website.