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Grass Concrete Company Profile
Grass Concrete Limited
For nearly 40 years Grass Concrete Ltd has been at the forefront of developing, supplying and fitting environmentally friendly cellular grassed paving, walling and green roofing systems throughout the United Kingdom and worldwide. Primarily targeted at the construction industry, the company’s clients include government, planners, local authorities, house builders and highways divisions have used the globally recognised and respected Grasscrete System.
The company prides itself on creating products that have a positive impact on the environment, with sustainable production methods in design, manufacture, construction and use. Committed to understanding the customer’s specific needs, Grass Concrete Ltd has a vast knowledge and understanding of the appropriate system for every application.
Cellular grassed paving systems are used in conjunction with SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems), reducing the risk of flooding and allowing surface water to soak through into the ground. These systems are produced in concrete or plastic.
- Grasscrete is a reinforced concrete cellular system allowing a strong, stable surface offering superb drainage and an aesthetically pleasing grass finish. Used for many applications including park areas, zoos and car parks withstanding 40 tonnes of gross loading weight. Easily exported worldwide due to its lightweight properties and also used largely for reservoirs, sea and river defences, storm and drainage channels with a water flow rate of 8 meters per second.
- Grassblock has been created to reduce movement between the blocks therefore producing a robust, secure pedestrian and vehicular area with reduced vehicle vibration. An interlocking concrete design with soil in each pocket allows for use on slopes. Used for embankments, car parks and public areas. Depths available 83mm, 103mm and 125mm. Used alongside dry-fix grasskerb edging restraints for an economical attractive solution.
- Grassroad allows up to a 90% grass coverage with an interlocking honeycomb system in green or black. For use in areas of little use such as an overspill car park, public amenity areas, verge hardening and emergency access points which are not in regular use.
- Grasskerb is made of recycled HDPE in carbon black in depths of 45 and 60mm suitable for the majority of kerbing applications. Used alongside block and grass paving, lawn edging and grass roofing. Supplied in 1 metre lengths with a choice of resin or steel pins.
Solutions for many different types of wall are available including low, high, retaining, buttressing, terraces or roadside walls. Products include:
- Betoconcept Range is a simply constructed dry build solution requiring no mortar for design flexibility and used for noise reduction and earth retaining walls. Can be planted and is available in various colours for a natural stone look.
- Binwall Range is produced for use in large industrial areas such as quarries, builders yards and recycling and refuse centres and storage facilities. Simply installed dry build placement allows for easy adjustment should requirements change.
- Betoflor and Betoatlas are interlocking concrete block wall systems. Betoflor is suitable for low level walls such as sound barriers, rockeries, traffic calming and retaining walls. Betoatlas for more heavy duty uses up to 10.5 metres high on slopes and retaining walls. CAD design service including supply and lay, available in a range of colours.
- Betotitan can be constructed to 22 metres high, face angled or square between 8-30 degrees for an individual stepped look. CAD design, plantable, various colours and supply and lay service.
- Betojard is a large free-standing wall constructed up to 2 metres high as a single or 4 metres high double thickness. Suited for use as a noise barrier for roadsides and motorways, can be planted at low level and available in various colours.
- Leromur for a natural stone appearance and can be used in conjunction with Betonap geogrids for angled walls and slopes. Can be made into smaller blocks from the original standard 1000mm wide unit.
Green Roofing
Green or grass roof systems are an environmentally friendly way of producing an economical, energy efficient and attractive roof. Easily installed using dry fix legged paving attaching it onto existing or new roof membranes forming a paved level and a drainage level. Available in various thicknesses for flat or shallow pitched roofs.
- Extensive system is a green roof requiring little or no maintenance.
- Simple Intensive have a thin layer of soil and require some maintenance.
- Intensive systems have a deep layer of soil allowing for varied plant life and trees, requiring much the same maintenance as any ground level garden.
Advantages of green roof systems include:
- Visually attractive, low maintenance.
- Extends roof life by protecting against UV radiation and weather.
- Habitat for wildlife.
- Improved insulation of a building.
- Improved air quality, releasing oxygen and water vapour.
- Reduced sound transmission.
- Lightweight even when fully soaked.
With the environment a key factor in many construction projects today, Grass Concrete's green credentials are reflected in the quality of the products by the use of recycled materials where possible. Working alongside engineers, planners and architects the company has a strong emphasis on the protection of the environment for the future. A contracts division is dedicated to overseeing UK projects and licensees are available worldwide.
For more detailed information on any products or services offered by Grass Concrete Ltd please use the buttons above or visit the company website.