Grace Construction Products Company Profile
Grace Construction Products specialises in the manufacture and supply of an extensive range of industry-leading speciality construction chemicals and materials. The company is recognised globally as a leader in the provision of innovative construction industry products which are specified by engineers, architects and contractors, as well as cement, precast and block manufacturers. Grace prides itself on delivering reliable and effective solutions for a varied range of challenging building problems.
The product range includes concrete admixtures and fibres, products for light and heavy precast concrete, roofing underlayments, structural waterproofing systems, fire protection products, cement processing additives and products for architectural concrete. The company provides an extensive range of services to customers by combining the global organisation and worldwide manufacturing capability with industry leading technical service and support. Solutions include concrete protection and durability, structural waterproofing, architectural concrete and hardscaping, structural steel protection, joints, grouts and mortars.
The product range includes:
- Air and Vapour Barriers: Grace Construction Products offers a wide range of products which are designed to provide protection for the building envelope against moisture, vapour and air infiltration.
- Pieri Architectural Concrete: Pieri architectural concrete products have been developed to improve and enhance the aesthetics of concrete. The company has over 30 years of experience in the architectural concrete products market sector and offers an extensive range of products including: Form release agents, formliners, plant and machinery cleaners and surface retarders.
- Cement Additives: Grace is an innovator in the development of chemical additives which are designed to improve grinding efficiency, reduce production costs and improve the quality of cement. The grinding aids, quality improvers and masonry cement additives are used in both the production and quality enhancement of cement for a wide range of applications. Products within the range include: Airalon, CBA, Daragrind, ESE, HEA2, Hydrophobe, MTDA, Syncro 200, TDA, Trytron and TrytroniX.
- Concrete Admixtures: Concrete admixtures and fibres are used in ready mix and precast applications and are designed to make concrete stronger and crack resistant. The product range includes accelerators, air entraining agents, corrosion inhibitors, high and mid-range water reducers, micro and macro fibre reinforced concrete, permeability reducers, mortar admixtures, self-compacting concrete, shrinkage reducing admixtures, set retarders, silica fume, STRUX in steel decking, surface treatments, water reducers and water repellents.
- Flexible Flashings: Grace's self-adhesive flexible flashings offer the ultimate in protection against water, air and moisture intrusion. The flashings are produced from highly adhesive rubberised asphalt compounds and are totally and integrally bonded to high density, cross-laminated polyethylene with a paper release liner. The flashings have been developed to offer supreme resistance to punctures and tears and have the ability to self-heal to resist leaking from minor cuts and can self-seal around fastener holes cut through membranes.
- Masonry Products: There is a wide range of masonry products available which are known for their workability, water resistance, efflorescence control and strength improvement. Grace has led the way in the scientific development of admixtures which enhance the quality of concrete blocks, pavers and segmental retaining wall units.
- Passive Fire Protection: A building must be protected from the risk of fire and Grace has developed a range of industrial, high, medium and standard fireproofing products. Monokote Fireproofing is the most widely specified spray-applied cementitious fireproofing system and protects a building's steel structure from failure in the event of a fire. Monokote products are suitable for all types of buildings with concealed and exposed steel structures including high-rise buildings, manufacturing facilities, schools, hospitals and sports arenas and provide the last line of defence.
- Roofing Underlayments: Roofing underlayments extend the life and durability of roofs throughout the world. Grace underlayments protect roofs against leaks caused by ice dams and wind-driven rain. Grace Ice and Water Shield is recognised as the first and leading self-adhesive roofing underlayment. The underlayments have been developed for metal roofs and high temperature applications and are a cost-effective, high-performance solution specified by contractors and building owners.
- Structural Fibres: Grace's macro and micro fibres have been developed for use with ready mix, precast and civil engineering projects. The fibres offer a range of benefits including control of shrinkage cracking, safe and easy handling, improves impact strength, durability and toughness and can be used as an alternative to steel fabric and steel fibre reinforcement.
- Structural Waterproofing: For more than three decades, Grace has been at the forefront of the development of waterproofing technologies and solutions for above and below ground applications. Billions of square miles of Grace membranes including Adcor, Adpruf, Aerofil, Betec, Bituthene, Hydroduct, Prepruf, Silcor and Vertiseal have been installed globally for applications such as bridge deck waterproofing and expansion joints, concrete joint protection, drainage sheets and cavity formers, elevated deck waterproofing, integral waterproofing, joint sealing and sub-structure waterproofing and protection.
In 2011, Grace Construction Products acquired the De Neef Conchem Group, adding more highly respected lines to its portfolio. De Neef’s preventative and remedial waterproofing products and concrete protection and repair products feature a variety of new technologies.
Grace Construction Products has built up an extensive product portfolio over many decades and has earned a leading position in the construction industry for innovative and cost-effective solutions. The experienced and dedicated team welcomes enquiries and can provide in-depth advice and information across the whole product range. Full product information can be found on the company website.
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