Fire Protection Online Company Profile
Fire Protection Online is a UK-based, online company offering all fire protection and related safety equipment such as extinguishers, fire alarms and first aid kits, at competitively low prices.
Fire Extinguishers:
- CO2 Fire Extinguishers - available in 2kg (option of chrome), 5kg, Non-magnetic and 20kg models.
- Foam Fire Extinguishers - sizes available: 2, 3, 6 (option of chrome), 9 (option of chrome) litres.
- Powder Fire Extinguishers - options of 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 kg.
- 9 litre Water Fire Extinguisher (also available in chrome) and chrome 6 litre Water Fire Extinguisher.
- Automatic Fire Extinguishers - 2kg, 1kg FE36, 6kg, 2kg FE36, 1kg.
- Water Additive Fire Extinguisher - 3 litres and 6 litres.
- Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher - 2 litre ABF Foam Fire Extinguisher, 6 litre Wet Chemical Extinguisher.
- Specialised Extinguishers - 9kg M28, 9 kg Monnex, 9 kg L2 and 24kg Monnex refill.
- Wheeled Fire Extinguishers - 50 litre Foam, 10 kg CO2, 50kg Powder, 100kg Powder, 45kg Monnex Powder.
- Car Fire Extinguisher - 600g, 950g, 1kg Car and 2kg Home.
All Fire Protection Online Extinguishers come with standard 5 year Manufacturers Warranty and 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Fire Blankets
Kitchen Fire Blanket, Economy Fire Blanket, 1.2m x 1.2m Fire Blanket, 1m x 1m Fire Blanket, 1.8m x 1.75m Fire Blanket, 1.8m x 1.2m Fire Blanket. It is now acknowledged by safety professionals that fire blankets are not only effective for chip pan fires, but are now recommended for personnel protection, waste paper bins and laboratories. Locations where fire blankets should be provided are: caravans, kitchens, laboratories, workshops and welding trolleys.
First Aid Kits
Available for: 10, 20 and 50 persons, Vehicles, Catering, PSV, home and travel and medium burn kits. Other first aid items for sale with Fire Protection Online are: DPA Compliant Accident Book, Eyewash Kit, Premier Wall Bracket and Hi-Vis First Aider Vest. First Aid Kits are vital for both home and business safety, the company lists details of which kits are suitable where on the official website.
Fire Alarms:
Fire Protection Online offers effective alert systems at competitive prices, and includes: Rotary Fire Alarm, Howler Site Alarm, Fire Alarm Stopper, Extinguisher Stopper Alarm, Fire Gas Horn, Exit Stopper, Economy 30W Megaphone, Megalarm Fire Alarm, Call Point Stopper Alert Point Fire Alarm, Howler Heavy Duty Alarm and Mini Theft Stopper Alarm.
Fire Safety Signs:
- Fire Exit Signs - Final Fire Exit Sign, Assembly Point External, Fire Exit Right Sign, Fire Exit Ahead Sign, Fire Exit Left Sign.
- Fire Extinguisher Signs - Fire Extinguisher Client, CO2 Fire Extinguisher Sign, Extinguisher Pocket Guide x 10, Foam Fire Extinguisher Sign, Manual Hose Reel Instruction 6395D.
- Fire Action Notice - Fire Action Sign 5537 or 5425, Public Fire Action Sign 5478, Staff Fire Action sign 5479, Do Not Use Lift 6434.
- Double Sided Fire Exit Signs - Double Sided Fire Exit Right or Left, Double Sided Fire Exit Down Left, Double Sided Fire Exit Up Right and Sign Hanging Kit.
- No Smoking Signs - available in plastic or adhesive.
- Other Safety Signs - Fire Door Keep Shut Sign 5421, Push Bar to Open 4304, Call Point Sign 6241, Fire Exit Keep Clear 5257, Break Glass for Key Sign 4469.
Smoke Alarms:
10 Year Smoke Alarm Twinpack, Flaresafe Travel Smoke Alarm and Torch, Carbon Monoxide Alarms, 240V Smoke and Heat Alarms, Premium Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Battery Smoke Alarms, Battery Smoke Alarm 0916UK, Smoke Alarm and Escape Light 0918UK, Mains Ionisation Alarm 123/9hi, Micro Smoke Alarm 0914UK and 10 Year Sealed Smoke Alarm.
Fire Protection Online process orders promptly and provide a next day delivery service to ensure that the product will reach the customer as soon as possible. Although Fire Protection Online normally delivers to destinations within the UK, it is possible, on special request, to have an item sent worldwide.
Fire Protection Online also provide a money back and price guarantee ensuring that if a customer is not happy with a product that they receive, the item may be returned within 10 days, unopened, in the same postage packaging and can receive a full refund/exchange.
For more information or to order online please visit the website or click on the buttons above to send an enquiry.`