Dulas Company Profile
Dulas is a highly skilled and widely respected renewable energy company. It has been providing professional services for clients wishing to implement renewable energy for nearly 30 years and is responsible for many of the UK's first solar, wind, hydro and biomass installations. Over the past five years, Dulas has grown significantly and now employs more than 80 people.
The company offers both consultancy services and renewable energy products, covering the whole supply chain from feasibility studies through to installation and subsequent maintenance. Dulas works alongside architects and developers to meet the challenges of delivering a low-carbon future. Its experience and knowledge over a broad area, with engineering expertise in biomass, wind, solar and hydro technologies, sets it apart from newer entrants to the renewable energy market.
Dulas is committed to continuing to innovate and improve lives through sustainable technology.
From two energy-efficient low carbon buildings in Powys, Wales, the company operates across the UK and worldwide. Dulas's solar power systems help to provide healthcare and education for communities in far-flung and remote locations.
The company has played a major role in the development of the UK renewables market and its importance was acknowledged by the government when being selected as a framework supplier to the Low Carbon Buildings Programme.
Dulas has a nationwide solar PV wholesale distribution network and can provide expert advice and technical back-up for solar installations. Products include:
- High quality photovoltaic modules in a huge range of sizes suitable for home owners, businesses and public buildings.
- Reliable, high power inverters to convert the DC electricity created by the PV modules into AC electricity for use inside the building. The user-friendly Fronius IG range is particularly suitable for smaller systems; the StecaGrid range includes quiet-running inverters that offer high-power capability over a wide range of ambient temperatures.
- Mounts for placing PVs in or on a pitched roof, on a flat roof, on the ground or for open terrain.
- A wide choice of Steca charge controllers
- PV Displays, including a wireless display that can read off the output data from up to 15 inverters at any time.
Wind turbines
Dulas offers a bespoke service to households, small and large businesses, farms, public buildings and public enterprises and will shortly be supplying large 100-500kw turbines.
Current systems are:
- Evance; for small scale production of 5-50kw. A tower height of 12-15 metres and rotor diameter of 5.4m. Aerodynamic blades with an optimum angle for low wind speeds mean high electrical efficiency and the lack of a gearbox means quiet operation and fewer potential maintenance problems.
- Endurance; for medium production of 50-100kw. A tower height of 25 metres and rotor diameter of 19.2m. Its compact design operates over a wide range of wind speeds and features include a failsafe braking system and lightning protection.
Dulas has developed and constructed hydro power projects ranging from small battery charging systems of 200W, up to 2MW grid connected schemes in the UK and overseas. The Hydro division also supplies self-cleaning intake screens, grid connection systems, control and protection systems.
- Log Boilers: Fröling log boilers rated from 20kw to 70kw. Features include a large combustion chamber that accepts ½ metre split logs and coarse chippings, and easy lighting with regulated induced draught fan.
- Pellet Boilers: Boilers rated from 10kw to 30kw to burn pellets made from industrial sawdust waste. Features include automatic cleaning of heat exchanger and automatic fuel extraction system.
- Multifuel Woodchip Boilers: The Fröling range of boilers capable of alternating use with pellets or woodchips is suitable for large buildings, commercial premises, schools, and public buildings. Turbomatic models are rated from 28kW to 10kW and Turbomat models from 150kw to 500kw. Features include automatic ignition to allow efficient intermittent load and summer hot water only operation.
Consultancy Services
Dulas has many years' experience in working with architects and developers to deliver renewable energy solutions. Advisers' knowledge and information is not tied to one technology or supplier. The technical advice for building teams covers: compliance reports, low carbon buildings consultancy, project management, product supply, renewable energy installation and engineering, feasibility studies, education and awareness, environmental impact assessments, planning policy formulation, grant applications and funding.
The company website provides full technical details of all products and further information of Dulas's extensive services. Visit the website or contact the company using the buttons above.