BSW Timber Company Profile
BSW Timber is the largest timber sawmilling company in the UK. BSW supply sawn timber products to clients in construction, pallet and packaging, fencing, decking, joinery and cladding product sectors and are sole distributers of the modified wood, Accoya®
BSW Timber has a 20 % share of sawn wood production from British coniferous forests and significant shares in continental timber resources. BSW has six UK mills and its own state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Latvia producing a total of over 700,000m3 of sawn timber per year. Recent
investment in new timber treatment facilities in Fort William has provided an opportunity to expand on this output.
A recently signed deal between International Timber and BSW Timber has resulted in BSW becoming the sole distributer of the highly innovative and durable timber material, Accoya®. With above ground durability estimated in the range of 60 years and greatly improved dimensional stability, it is of no surprise that this “new timber species” is seeing such interest and demand.