Baronmead International Company Profile
Since its establishment in 1982, Baronmead International has grown to become the UK's leading designer and manufacturer of powered stair climbers. Stair climbers are used throughout the world and are capable of carrying people and manual or electric wheelchairs up steps and stairs. The company also supplies the world's foremost emergency evacuation chairs for stairway escape, public access lifts and domestic stairlifts.
The product range includes:
Stairmatic is a battery operated mobile stair climber that can be taken to any steps or stairs location to transfer people with disability or mobility problems. Stairmatic allows the person to be seated in a dignified and comfortable manner and is controlled by an attendant who presses a constant pressure type button on the handle bar. Stairmatic can carry a person of up to 20 stones (130kgs) and automatically brakes at the step edge.
Wheelchair Carrier
The wheelchair carrier is a battery operated stair climber that allows people with limited mobility or a disability to move up and down stairs. The occupant remains seated in their manually operated wheelchair and the wheelchair carrier is controlled by an attendant.
Stairmate Major
Stairmate Major is the world's first and only portable inclined platform lift. This platform lift provides access or evacuation for any style of wheelchair and does not require installation. Stairmate Major is particularly suitable for historical buildings or where structural changes are not allowed. Also available is the Stairmate Major II comes with a removable battery pack, charger and stair angle indicator.
CD7 Emergency Evacuation Chair
The CD7 is an evacuation chair that allows for the easy transportation of people with limited mobility down stairs in an emergency. This lightweight chair has been improved to offer better comfort and safety and also turning clearances have been reduced, making it ideal for smaller stairways.
EV150 Emergency Evacuation Chair
The EV150 evacuation chair is ideal for use in numerous locations for people who require assistance with staircases in an emergency. This chair allows the occupant to be taken downstairs in a comfortable, smooth and controlled manner.
Baronmead has a team of stair climber and evacuation chair training experts who have the knowledge and experience to teach individuals, staff members or senior personnel how to correctly operate each product. Certificates are issued to trained operators.
Baronmead understands the importance of regular servicing to prolong the life of all its equipment. The company provides servicing on all products on a half yearly or annual basis. There is also 1, 3 and 5 year service contracts and all parts and labour is included.
Baronmead International prides itself on offering a range of versatile products that allow for the easy and comfortable transfer of people with disabilities or mobility problems between various floor levels. All products have been thoughtfully and carefully designed to provide both the operator and the occupant a smooth and trouble free journey.
For more detailed information please contact Baronmead International using the buttons above or visit the company website.