Make life easier with a Laundry Chute

Laundtry Chute DropHow often have you cursed about that slog down the stairs, carrying heavy loads of dirty laundry? Unable to see where you’re putting your feet; nose stuck in a tangle of sweaty socks; smalls escaping from the pile leaving a tell-tale trail … there must be a better way. Good news – there is!

While the laundry chute is a common feature of homes in the US, in the UK they are often thought of as costly or luxury addition when designing or building a home. However, this does not have to be the case. A laundry chute may well be one of the best investments you make, adding considerable comfort and value to your property and making life just that bit easier. Regardless of the size of the building, laundry chutes can be quickly, inexpensively and easily installed, and will continue to deliver noticeable benefits time and time again.

Simple to do

Laundry chutes from GED Chute Solutions are extremely easy to install; in many cases the sections have a basic male and female push connection, allowing them to be quickly and firmly assembled. Once constructed, the system simply needs to be bracketed to the wall, with the fire doors fixed securely at every entrance.

The laundry chute sections can be made available in a wide range of diameters; this makes them highly flexible and allows them to be adapted to meet the requirements of each individual building.

Exposed Laundry ChuteOften on new build projects, the entire chute is designed to be completely concealed within natural voids, keeping rooms uncluttered. The laundry chute entrance can also be designed to come out at the back of a wardrobe or cupboard. This allows it to be easily accessed while also avoiding any compromise on the final aesthetic of the room.

Alternatively, an even cheaper approach, ideally suited for two-storey properties, is to run the chute directly through the floor of an upstairs room to the intended laundry room. In this way the laundry chute delivers the same time-saving and health benefits while its upper entrance simply occupies the space that would have been taken by a laundry basket.

A doddle to design, GED laundry chute doors are also available in a stainless steel finish or pre–primed ready to paint to match any internal decor. The chutes themselves can even be made into a feature. I mean, what child would not want a space rocket in their room?

Houston, we no longer have a problem moving our laundry …

Guest post written by Neil Dolan, MD, GED Laundry Chutes Ltd